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ChannelMark™ Partner Technology “Best-in-Show” Award

Resources | ChannelMark™ Partner Technology “Best-in-Show” Award

ChannelMark™ Partner Technology “Best-in-Show” Award

TV Technology magazine released its “Best-of-Show” winners at the 2017 NAB Show and Encompass Digital Media partner, Cobalt Digital, won for its industry-leading hardware. Cobalt’s FAST-STREAM product is coupled with Encompass proprietary software to create the ChannelMark solution. As a unified solution, ChannelMark, powered by FAST-STREAM, enables content owners to monetize content faster and target more markets while optimizing costs.

What is ChannelMark?

ChannelMark leverages the FAST-STREAM hardware to automatically decorate linear channel streams with frame accurate markers for every program and ad element. The metadata enriched SCTE 104-enabled streams are then used to drive valuable downstream use cases including derivative and customized channels; dynamic and targeted advertising; automated program replacement; and immediate C3 VOD publishing.

Why is Frame Accuracy Important?

For many types of channel playout feeds, only local avails are marked.  There is no enhanced metadata, no endpoint designation and certainly no frame-accurate segmentations defined on the feeds. In addition, the playout systems today only mark when a segment should play not the exact frame it actually played.   

The results can be easily seen when you DVR a show that follows a live event.  It’s why there is an option on your DVR to record 5 min before and after a show is scheduled to start. The feed is not comprehensively marked to “know” exactly when a program starts and finishes, so automation could tell your DVR to record your favorite show exactly when it starts, not when it was supposed to start. 

Frame accuracy is also critical to create a “TV-like” experience in an OTT world. OTT viewers expect an experience that rivals what they get today while watching traditional MVPD linear channel distribution.

Save Time, Money and Uncover More Revenue Streams

ChannelMark enables content owners the flexibility to create hyper regional and local feeds that target more audiences.  Frame-accurate segmentation and metadata allow for alternate derivative feeds to be created from a primary feed without re-origination. 

When processing VOD assets for Live-to-VOD and C/VOD the traditional method can be time consuming and labor intensive.  ChannelMark enables enhanced automation while also reducing manual steps to promote quality and efficiency.   

This exciting technology is being utilized by content owners and networks in unprecedented ways to enhance the user experience.  All while resulting in highly optimized processes and new revenue opportunities.

Best-of-Show indeed!